Age/Career stage
Age/Career stage
Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk: Are Career Academics Gatekeepers to Students’ Tacit Knowledge? | Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice
First-order transition in a model of prestige bias |Brian Skinner
The disproportionate impact of publish-or-perish culture on disadvantages and minority scientists | Alon Zivony, Birkbeck, University of London
Breaking the barriers - Women's retention and progression in the chemical sciences | Royal Society of Chemistry
Proposals on careers concordat get cautious welcome | Research Professional
Productivity, prominence, and the effects of academic environment | PNAS
Computer model predicts academic success | Nature News
Fellowship diversity statistics | The Academy of Medical Sciences
The Postdoctoral Experience Revisited | National Academies Press
The misleading narrative of the canonical faculty productivity trajectory | PNAS
Barriers and enablers to diverse leadership | Royal Society Annual Diversity Conference 2018
Early-career setback and future career impact | arXiv - Physics and Society
The life of P.I. - Transitions to Independence in Academia | bioRxiv
Staying Power: The career experiences and strategies of UK Black female professors | UCU report
Research Culture: A survey of new PIs in the UK | Acton et al. (2019), eLife
Early-career setback and future career impact | Wang et al. (2019), Nature Communications
NSF graduate fellowships disproportionately go to students at a few top schools | Science
Insecure employment for postdoc researchers is leading to bad science | Guardian
Declaration on Sustainable Researcher Careers | Marie Curie and Eurodoc
Productivity, prominence, and the effects of academic environment | Way et al. (2019), PNAS
Computer model predicts academic success | Nature
Changing Aspects of the Post Doctoral Experience | NIH
The misleading narrative of the canonical faculty productivity trajectory | Way et al. (2017), PNAS