Here we have the blog of the TIGERS:
2019/10/24 - Welcome & New Blog - Dr Ben Britton
2019/12/09 - Getting started with Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility - Dr Candice Majewski
2020/02/03 - Fellowships: The Interviews - Kirsty Grainger
2020/11/30 - Diving into the EPSRC diversity data looking at gender in grant applications as PI - TIGERS Gender Focus Group
2020/11/30 - EPSRC - the grants, the data, the diversity - TIGERS Gender Focus Group
2021/04/08 - Recommendations for achieving racial justice in STEMM funding - Lia Li, Hope Bretscher, Erinma Ochu, & Rachel Oliver
2021/05/13 - Diving into the EPSRC’s “detailed ethnicity data” - Francesca Firth, Michael Sulu, Carla Figueira de Morisson Faria & Rachel Oliver
2022/04/06 - Are Women Shut Out of Spin-Outs?