Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Audio description (to be updated)
0.1 This code of conduct is our main reference for group behaviour. This document takes priority over any other documents that the group may produce. Changes need to be agreed by vote called by a member of the leadership group. Other members can recommend changes by contacting the leadership group. We will provide two weeks notice for each vote. Changes will need to be agreed by >50% of the voting members
1. Inclusion and diversity
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1.1 Our core mission is to highlight inclusion and diversity issues in STEMM and to bring about positive change. We value an inclusive and diverse environment that supports our core mission.
1.2 We aim to use inclusive language that encourages everyone, regardless of their background and status, to participate in the group equally. This means that we consider how language could be interpreted by others, especially those from minorities and protected groups. Please reach out to other members if you are unsure whether the language you are using is appropriate.
1.3 Inclusion is a key part of our mission, and we try to be inclusive towards all members, with an emphasis on protected characteristics as defined by the Equalities Act 2010, including trans individuals. We recognise the importance of upholding marginalised people’s safety over privileged people’s comfort.
1.4 If speaking on behalf of the group (e.g. via the @TigerInSTEMM Twitter account), members should be careful when engaging with controversial issues. We should avoid providing a platform for individual viewpoints that counter our core mission.
2 Confidentiality
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2.1 Discussion within the membership, including on social media and Slack, is assumed to be confidential. Permission to break confidentiality must be explicitly granted, but members should be mindful that online communications can be inadvertently be made public. It may be sensible to anonymise identifying information.
2.2 Public resources (e.g. websites, reports, articles, blogs) may be posted on the website; please contact the Deputy TIGERS-in-Charge (website TIGERs) to include them.
3. Harassment
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3.1 This group is a harassment-free space. We do not tolerate harassment by and/or of members of our group in any form, and the following principles should be upheld:
a. All communication should be appropriate and be considerate of people from different cultural backgrounds. This includes recognising that some experiences may be different to your own and it is important to acknowledge and listen to the experiences of all members.
b. Be kind to others, and do not insult or put down other group members even when disagreeing.
c. Exclusionary jokes are not appropriate in any form.
d. Do not deliberately misgender or use former or rejected names. Members are encouraged to clarify preferred pronouns or pronoun use.
3.2 Harassment includes: offensive comments (either verbal or via online communications) related to gender identity and expression, sexual orientation/identity, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, socioeconomic class, religion, nationality; sexual images in public spaces; deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing, photography or recording; sustained disruption of discussions; inappropriate physical contact; unwelcome sexual attention.
3.5 Members are individually responsible for considering the impact of their communication on others. Group members are not responsible for policing each other.
3.6 The TIGER-in-Charge, or an appropriate deputy (such as the Welfare TIGERs), will discuss the code of conduct with individual members who violate these rules. If the code of conduct continues to be breached, a working group will consider the best course of action, which may include expulsion.
3.7 To report a breach of the Code of Conduct (including harassment), please contact TIGER-in-Charge via Slack DMs or direct email; all communication will be treated as confidential. If you do not feel comfortable contacting TIGER-in-Charge, you may contact any other of the TIGERS (e.g. the Welfare TIGERs), indicating that you would like this to be treated in confidence. If you are a member of the TIGERS who is approached by someone requesting assistance or to help resolve an issue, please provide support. If the approached TIGER member does not feel comfortable, please discuss possible options with the requester before approaching another member.
4. Membership Roles
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4.1 We have members and supporters, some of our members may be in leadership roles.
4.2 Members agree to this Code of Conduct.
4.3 The membership of TIGERs is maintained as a public document.
4.4 Members may resign from TIGERS by sending an email to stating clearly that they would like to resign.
4.5 Supporters follow our progress and may become involved in selective campaigns or activities.
4.6 The leadership structure of TIGERs is maintained as a public document.
4.7 All leadership roles are intended to be fixed term for a maximum of two years in the first instance, as they may involve a large time commitment. Elections will take place at each annual general meeting of the membership.
4.8 Leadership members may resign from their roles by notifying the current Leadership channel on Slack.
4.9 All members are asked to remember leadership roles are held on a voluntary basis. If you find yourself overloaded, or are unavailable or unable to engage with core activities, please speak with another member of the TIGERS and we will endeavour to support each other.
5. Social Media
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5.1 We operate a Twitter account @TigerInSTEMM.
5.2 Many individuals have access to the social media account, and use is coordinated by the Deputy TIGERs-in-Charge (social media).
Broadly, the account exists to:
a. Share activities of the group and its members that reflect the mission and vision of the TIGERS.
b. Promote change in the STEMM community related to the mission and vision of the TIGERS.
c. Cultivate supportive networks of individuals in furthering the mission and vision of the TIGERS.
5.3 Please be aware that tweets may be “quote tweeted” out of context. If this happens, please ask for support from other members. It may be in our interest to apologise, clarify, and retract statements from time to time. A retraction should be posted as a comment to a problematic tweet. @TigerinSTEM tweets should not be deleted.
5.4 When using the account, please consider how it reflects the TIGERS as a group. This should not limit you in expressing your individual voice, but please avoid “calling out” individual organizations on behalf of the TIGERS via the shared twitter account. If you have any doubts about content, please feel free to ask for support from other TIGERS (e.g. via Slack or direct messaging within Twitter).
5.5 If you are in charge of the TIGERS account as a “RoCur” (rotating curator) please pin an introductory post to the account. If a RoCur is in post, other members should not access the account.
5.6 If you are a TIGERS member and feel comfortable doing so, please add a tiger emoji to your Twitter bio.
6. Website
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6.1 We operate the website Use of the account is coordinated by the Deputy TIGERS-in-Charge (website TIGERs), who take editorial control of website content. The look and feel of the website may evolve and change over time.
6.2 The website is operated to:
a. Support and advertise our mission and vision.
b. Provide an online “home” for the core activities of the group (supplementing our JISC maillist, Slack, and Twitter presences).
c. Archive our activities, including media work, campaigns, and letter writing.
d. Provide a contact point: "".
7. Mail List
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7.1 We maintain a maillist via JISC, managed by the Deputy TIGER-in-Charge (communications). The maillist is intended as a low volume channel to reach members and supporters beyond our Twitter presence.
7.2 In all communication, we aim to use gender neutral and inclusive language.
8. Authorship
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8.1 The TIGERS may be called to write evidence, letters or documents to further our mission and vision. Authorship should be considered to balance promoting TIGERS as a group while supporting individuals who take the lead on particular activities.
8.2 If you take lead authorship of a document but have support from the group, please be clear from the outset in how you wish to share credit.
8.3 If you are supporting a document, please be aware that you may not gain individual credit (e.g. being a named signatory) due to editorial constraints.
8.4 There will be opportunities for letters to be co-signed by supporters and members. Calls for co-signatories will normally be handled through an email to the maillist and tweets from the Twitter account. Document writing by members will be supported through discussions in Slack.
9. Meetings
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9.1 The TIGERs will meet at least once annually, either in person or online. Proactive efforts should be made to make meeting accessible (regardless of whether disabilities are visible or invisible) and inclusive.
9.2 Minutes of the meeting may be taken by any member of the group present, and this responsibility should be shared.
9.2 The Deputy TIGER-in-Charge (scribe) will coordinate note-taking and ensure that minutes are uploaded to a suitable location at the end of the meeting.
[This page was last updated 04/10/2019]