List of members
Cathy Abbott (Cathy, she/her), University of Edinburgh, @CathyAbbottLab
Ifty Ahmed (Ifty, he/him), University of Nottingham, @Dr_Ifty_Ahmed
Idris Ajia (Idris, He/him), University of Southampton, @idrismonsur
Riaz Akhtar (Riaz), University of Liverpool, @DrRiazA
Ankita Anirban (Ankita, she/her), Springer Nature, @AnkitaAnirban
Claudia Antolini (Claudia, she/her), @CA_AstroComm
Moataz Attallah (Moataz), University of Birmingham, @MoatazAttallah
Clara Barker (Clara, she/her), University of Oxford, @ClaraMBarker
Katie Nicoll Baines (Katie, she/her), University of Edinburgh, @knicollb
Kathryn Boast (Kathryn, she/her), University of Oxford, @Kathryn_EB
Jessica Boland (Jessie, she/her) University of Manchester, @drjessboland
Juliane Borchert (Juliane, she/her) University of Oxford, @PV_Physicist
Cerys Bradley (Cerys, They/them), University College London, @hashtagcerys
Hope Bretscher (Hope, she/hers), University of Cambridge, @HopeLouiseB
Andrew Cairns (Andrew, he/him/his), Imperial College London, @abcairns
Kristyn Carter (she/her), University of Glasgow, @Krisalex95
Noelle Colant (Noelle, she/her), University College London, @nacofalltrades
Sean Collins (Sean, he/him/his), University of Leeds, @SeanCollinsChem
Paul Coxon (Paul, he/him/his), University of Cambridge, @PaulCoxon
Linda Cremonesi (Linda, She/Her), Queen Mary University of London, @LindaCremonesi
Avery Cunningham (Avery, he/him), University of Birmingham, @Nuqueerengineer
Anna Cupani (Anna, she/her), Imperial College London, @AnnaCupani
Zoë Davidson (Zoë, she/her), University of Strathclyde, @zoe_two_dots_
Luke Kristopher Davis (Luke, he/his), University College London/London Centre for Nanotechnology @luke_kristopher
Isha DeCoito (Isha, she/her), Western University, Canada, @STEMify_Ed
Laia Delgado (Laia, she/her), King's College London, @LaiaDelCa
Akhila Denduluri, (Akhila, she/her), University of Cambridge, @akhi_waveNgrain
Vanessa Diaz (Vanessa, she/her), University College London, @vdiazucl
Bluebell Drummond (Bluebell Drummond, she/her), University of Cambridge, @BHDrummond
David Dye (David, he/him), Imperial College London, @DavidDye9
Nadimul Faisal (Faisal, he/him), Robert Gorgon University, @nh_faisal
Carla Figueira de Morisson Faria (Carla Faria, She/her), University College London, @CarlaFMFaria
Francesca Firth (Francesca, she/her), University of Cambridge, @FC_Firth
João Fonseca (João, he/him), University of Manchester, @jqfonseca
Holly Foss (Holly, she/her), University of Birmingham, @hjpolyglot
Caroline Gauchotte-Lindsay (Caroline, she/her), University of Glasgow, @cgl_119
Baptiste Gault (Bat, he/him), Imperial College London, @bat__go
Sam Giles (Sam, she/her/hers), University of Birmingham, @GilesPalaeoLab
Prem Gill (Prem, He), Cambridge / WWF /BAS , @polarprem
Lisa Hollands (Lisa, she/her), The University of Sheffield, @HollandsLisa
Lilian Hunt (she/her), EDIS, @lilianehunt91
Christopher Jackson (Chris, he/him), Imperial College London, @seis_matters
Izzy Jayasinghe (Izzy, she/her/hers), University of Leeds, @i_jayas
Julie Jebsen (Julie, she/her), University of Wolverhampton, @JulieJebsen
Rich Johnston (Rich, he/him), Swansea University, @DrRichJohnston
Sohini Kar-Narayan (Sohini, she/her), University of Cambridge, @Kar_Narayan_Lab
Hamideh Khanbareh (Hamideh, she/her), University of Bath, @H_Khanbareh
Ying Lia Li (Lia, she/her/hers), University College London, @OptoLia
Jonathan Levitt (Jonathan), University of Wolverhampton
Clara Nellist (Clara, she/her), Universität Göttingen, @claranellist
Anson Mackay (Anson, he/him/his) University College London, @ansonmackay
Candice Majewski (Candice, she/her), University of Sheffield @CandiceMajewski
Caroline Muellenbroich (Caroline, she/her), University of Glasgow, @cmuell15
Claire Murray (Claire, she/her), Diamond Light Source, @Dr ClaireMurray
Erinma Ochu (Erinma, No pronouns - just Erinma), University of Salford, @erinmaochu
Alexandra Olaya-Castro (Alex, she/her), @AlexOlayaCastro
Rachel Oliver (Rachel, she/her), University of Cambridge, @ProfRachelGaN
Brian Patton (Brian, he/him), University of Strathclyde, @DrBrianPatton
Krystina Pearson-Rampeearee, (Krystina, She/her), BAE Systems, @K_Ramps
Katy Petherick, (Katy, she/her/hers), University of Sussex, @KatyPetherick
Inés Pineda-Torra (Inés, she/her/hers), University College London, @inespinedatorra
Andrew Princep (Andrew, he/him/his), University of Oxford @AJPrincep
Sofia Qvarfort (Sofia, She/her), University College London, @sqvarfort
Rachel Ranson (Rachel, She/her/hers), Northumbria University, @RansonDr
Annela Seddon (Annela, she/her), University of Bristol
Zoe Schnepp (Zoe, she/her), University of Birmingham @zoeschnepp
Patricia Scully (Patricia, She/Her), Nationa University of ireland, Galway, @PPadraigin
Joanne Sharp (Jo, She/Her), The University of Sheffield, @JoFeanelwa
Natasha Stephen (Nat, she/her), University of Plymouth, @NatStephen
Michael Sulu, (Mike, he/him), University College London, @MichaelSulu
Alison Stokes (Alison, She/her), University of Plymouth
Alison Turner (Alison, She/her), University of Plymouth, @aphatbag
Jess Wade (Jess, she/her), Imperial College London, @jesswade
Caroline Ward (Caroline), Wellcome Trust, @noveltyshoe
Hannah Williams (she/her), Imperial College London, @hannah_physics
Heather Williams (Heather, Dr), The Christie/ScienceGrrl, @alrightPET
Sign up:
These are individuals who are not listed here, but may be on the JISC maillist or follow-us on twitter, and provide occasional support involved in individual campaigns.
Members are active individuals who form the group and are bound by the Code of Conduct. This membership list is public.
To sign up to the TIGERS as a member, you are strongly suggested to contact an active TIGER (e.g. via or DM @TIGERinSTEMM on twitter). If you are comfortable and want to become a member, please complete the instructions in the form:
In signing this form - you will be agreeing to the Mission and Vision, and to the Code of Conduct.