Please note that the language here was considered reasonable at the time of writing, we are open to considering different definitions and recognise that language can evolve in this space. Please contact the TIGER-scribe if you wish to suggest changes or additions.
Accessibility: The quality or condition of being accessible (in various senses). [Source - the OED]
Diversity: The condition or quality of being diverse, different, or varied; difference, unlikeness. [Source - the OED]
Disability: You're disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities. [Source]
Equality: The quality or condition of being equal. [Source - the OED]
Equity: The quality of being equal or fair; fairness, impartiality; even-handed dealing. [Source - the OED]
Exemplar: a person serving as a typical example or appropriate model
Inclusion: The action, practice, or policy of including any person in an activity, system, organisation, or process, irrespective of race, gender, religion, age, ability, etc. (Now frequently without complement specifying who is included.) [Source - the OED]
Intersectional: (1) Many individuals who are members of one protected class/minority group may be members of another, and this can result in multiplication of issues. (2) Policies and recommendations that affect individuals from one protected class/minority group may also affect individuals from another protected class/minority group.
Minority: We will often refer to individuals as “members of minority groups”. The reference to minority may depend on context, as it is easy to leave one room as a individual member of a minority group and to walk into the next as a member of a majority group.
Model: a person used as an example to imitate
Neurodiverse: Normal variations of the human brain, including individuals with dyslexia, as well as dyspraxia, dyscalculia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autistic spectrum, tourette syndrome, and others.
Protected Class: A US based term that can be used to describe in legal terms minority groups. In UK law, we tend to use “protected characteristic” which includes age; gender reassignment; being married or in a civil partnership; being pregnant or on maternity leave; disability; race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation.
Sealioning: An act of asking questions that appear to be civil, with the intent of either wasting time or encouraging the other party to make and error which can be capitalised upon. This is a commonly used trolling method on social media.